

Anna retired recently.
She wants to do more in her deaf association.
The association is looking for a leader for the seniors group.
Anna doesn’t know:
Is a leadership role right for me?

Don’t worry, Anna!
Let’s have a look together at:
What does leadership mean?
How can deaf seniors take on a leadership role?
Leadership is important.
A person can influence a group positively.
For example, a group of deaf seniors.
If there is a good leader:
Then an organisation works more quickly.
Then goals are achieved successfully.

Take care:
A leadership role doesn’t mean:
being the boss.
A leadership role means:
Leading other people.
Being a good example.
How can you do that?
For example:
You give information about the needs of deaf seniors to politicians.
You are a speaker for deaf seniors in all of Europe.
This means:
You represent deaf seniors in your city, in your country, in all of Europe.

Here is a practical example:
The general assembly of EUD takes place.
General assembly means:
All members of an association meet.
They take important decisions.
EUD is an abbreviation for the English name European Union of the Deaf.
EUD represents deaf associations in Europe.
At the general assembly of EUD, a deaf association proposes a motion.
The other deaf associations agree.
Therefore representatives of EUD participate in events about the needs of deaf seniors.
They work on projects about the needs of deaf seniors.
For example: the DESEAL project.
You see:
At the beginning, there is a small action.
This produces concrete results.
You too can have an influence like that!

What you don’t have to do in a leadership role:
You don’t always need to have ideas.
You don’t always have to do exhausting and difficult things.
It’s enough to show:
What needs are there?
What opportunities for action are there?
Make your group and yourself visible!

Anna is motivated!
She wants to apply to become leader of the deaf senior group in her deaf association.



Elisabeth feels unwell lately.
She doesn’t want to get up in the morning.
She is often tired and unmotivated.
The doctor says:
Elisabeth’s health is good.
Elisabeth wants to feel better.
What can Elisabeth do?

Don’t worry, Elisabeth!
We have a look at it together:
How can you improve your wellbeing?
Someone has a physical illness.
The person goes to the doctor.
The doctor treats the illness.
A person feels emotionally unwell.
The persons accepts it.
You can improve your wellbeing and your mental health.
This is called: self-care.
It makes your everyday life easier.

Personal identity:
Identity means:
How you perceive and define yourself and the characteristics of your personality.
People often define themselves through work.
You retire.
Think about:
Who am I without my work?
Who do I want to be in my retirement?
What are my strengths and weaknesses?
What are my wishes and goals for the future?
Take time to think about it.

Healthy life:
Through movement, your body stays fit.
Through movement, you can think better.
Movement improves your mood.
Movement improves your self-confidence.
A healthy diet is important as well.

It’s important to have a purposeful task.
For example: helping other or learning something new.
When learning you improve self-confidence.
How can you help others?
For example: you say thank you or you support someone.
Do can volunteer.
For example in an organisation or in your neighbourhood.

Social contacts:
Take care of your relationships.
Try to build up new relationships.
Then you feel like you belong and self-worth.
Social relationships work both ways:
1. Others support you.
2. You support others.
Both ways make you feel better.

Mindfulness means: perceiving the current moment without judgement.
You perceive your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Mindfulness lessens fear, stress and depression.
How can you improve your mindfulness?
For example through yoga and meditation.

Spend time in nature:
You spend time outside in the sun and in the fresh air.
Then your mood improves.
You have less fear and stress.

You see:
You can do a lot to feel better.
Have fun trying out the suggestions.

International Networks

International networks 

Elisabeth knows:
The Austrian deaf community is small.
There are few deaf seniors.
Elisabeth wants to:
Get to know deaf seniors from other countries
But Elisabeth doesn’t know:
How she can get to know deaf seniors from other countries.

Here is an explanation:
What international deaf networks are there?
International networks have always been important for deaf people.
In 1985 deaf people from different countries founded EUD.
EUD is an abbreviation for the name European Union of the Deaf.
EUD represents deaf associations in Europe.
Because deaf associations in Europe work together,
They have made a lot of progress in human rights.

EUD works together with other international networks:
• European Disability Forum.
A Forum is platform or a network.
That is an abbreviation for the name European Union of Deaf Youth.
• efsil
That is an abbreviation for the name European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters.
That is an abbreviation for the name European Deafblind Union.
Through the cooperation, projects are created.
For example: the DESEAL project.
Maybe in the future there will be a network for deaf seniors?

International networking is also:
An exchange between people from different countries.
• experiences
• information
• culture
• different sign languages
For example, 2 deaf associations from different countries have an exchange.
That is interesting.
The exchange can be in a country.
The exchange can be online.
Through the exchange, associations can learn from each other.
They share good experiences.
New ideas develop.
For example:
One association has a problem.
The other association suggests a solution.
The problem is solved this way.
In a network, friendships can develop, too.
This connects people.

Elisabeth is happy.
There are international networks for deaf people.
She will asks her local deaf association:
Can we organise an exchange with an association from another country?


Accessibility means:
Something can be used well by people with disabilities.

Peter is often frustrated.
As a deaf senior he is sometimes excluded from society.
He asks:
What is accessibility?
What international conventions are there on accessibility?

Don’t worry, Peter!
We will look at it together!
There is the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
A convention is an agreement between many countries.
The countries sign the convention.
Afterwards they have duties.
A duty is creating accessibility for people with disabilities.
For accessibility you need different things.
It depends upon the disability.
For examples:
People in a wheelchair need a ramp.
Deaf people need sign language interpreters.
Blind people need Braille.
Braille is a font.
Blind people read braille with their fingers.

There is also the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
A charter is a contract between many countries.
Fundamental rights are for example: the right to life, the right to freedom.
A charter has many articles.
Article 25 says:
Seniors have these rights:
To a life lived in dignity and independence
To participate in social and cultural life
That means for example: to be able to visit museums or theatres.
Deaf seniors can participate in society,
If there are offers and information in sign language.

Some deaf seniors live in old people’s homes.
For them it is important:
They can sign in the old people’s home.
Then they can make friends in the old people’s home.
They get information in sign language.
Then they can make good decisions.
Then they can participate at events in the old people’s home.
Sign language strengthens the identity of deaf seniors.
Sign language supports the health of deaf seniors.
When deaf seniors can sign,
they feel better.

Sign language is important.
Deaf seniors need information in sign language.
It is important to be able to communicate on an equal footing.
The use of sign language is a human right.
This is written in the Convention on the Right of Persons with Disabilities and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
This is why we need more sign language interpreters.
Sign language interpreters enable deaf senior to participate in society and in public life.

Peter thinks:
That’s great.
There are international conventions for accessibility for deaf seniors.
Peter knows:
Many conventions are not put into practice.
Peter wants:
The conventions to be put into practice.

Online Banking

Online banking 

Elisabeth does not like going to the bank.
It is a long way from her home to the bank.
Elisabeth has problems walking.
Elisabeth worries:
If I don’t go to the bank,
I will pay my bills too late.
Elisabeth asks:
What shall I do?

Don‘t worry, Elisabeth!
Have you tried online banking?
Let’s have a look at it together.
What is online banking?
What are the advantages of online banking?

Online banking means:
You can use your bank account over the internet.
You can make transfers with a computer, smartphone or tablet.
You can use your bank account comfortably from home.

Online banking means you can conduct your bank transactions from home.
You always have an overview of your finances.
You have always access to your bank account.
It doesn’t matter if the bank is open or closed.
You don’t need to go a branch of a bank.
You don’t have to wait for your turn.
You have questions about your bank account?
You can ask at your branch.

How do I register for an online account?
At first, you tell your bank:
I want to open an online account.
You can do this at your branch or through the website of your bank.
You get your access data from the bank or by mail.
With your access data, you can log on to your online account.
The access data includes:
Your user name and a code.
With the username and the code, you can log on for the first time.
In the account settings, you can change the code.
Chose a new, secure code.
After registration, you can log on to your account.
There are also banking apps for smartphone and tablets.
You can download the app from your bank.
What is an app?
App is an abbreviation for “application” (for the English word “application).
An app is a computer programme.
There are many different apps.
For example apps for banking.
Log in to your app.

Online banking enables you to:
– look at your account balance
– see how much money is coming onto your account
– see how much money is withdrawn from your account
– make transactions
– pay bills
– create a standing order
– get your bank statement

With online banking, you can make banking transaction quickly and simply.
You always have in overview of your income and expenditure.
It doesn’t matter what time it is or where you are.
There are many security measures for online banking.
These days, online banking is fairly safe.
You want to start online banking?
Ask your bank.
You get access data and information.

Elisabeth likes the advantages of online banking.
She wants to open an online account.

Brain Training

Brain training 

Leopold has noticed:
Has memory is not as good as it used to be.
Leopold goes for walks regularly.
This is why his body stays fit.
Leopold wants his brain to stay fit, too.
What can Leopold do?

With brain training, seniors can improve the performance of their brains.
You do brain training:
Then your brain works well and fast for a longer time.
What can you improve with brain training?

  • ability to plan and act
  • creativity
  • memory
  • concentration
  • logical thinking
  • understanding of language and numbers
  • sense of orientation

Examples for fun brain training exercises are:

  • Sudoku.
  • Playing Memory
  • Games that make you calculate
  • Games that make you remember something

On the internet, there are many websites and apps with free brain training exercises.
How can you use them?
You need a computer, a smartphone or a tablet with internet access.
Enter “brain training” in a search engine or an app store.
What is an app?
App is an abbreviation for “application” (for the English word “application).
An app is a computer programme.
There are many different apps.
For example apps for brain training.
In an app store, you can buy and download apps.
Try out the suggested apps!
Be careful:
Is the app for free or do you have to pay for it?

We advise you to:
Do different exercises.
With new exercises, you can train your brain better.
If you train your brain with exercise,
you have advantages in your everyday life:
You can concentrate better.
You can react faster.
When is that important?
For example, when you are driving a car or riding a bike.

Movement is also important for your brain.
What kind of movement?
For example:
Going for a walk
Participating in sports
Doing an online work-out video
Using a sports app

Leopold is relieved.
He now knows:
How I can train my brain.
Leopold wants to try out brain training apps.



Anna is often bored.
She does the same every day.
She doesn’t do anything new or interesting.

We have a suggestion for Anna:
She can participate in cultural events.
She will have new experiences.
And her life will get more interesting.
Culture represents positive values.
Culture helps seniors to age better.
Culture is connected to: curiosity, intellectual entertainment and a shared experience.
69 % of seniors say:
Culture is important in my everyday life.

On the internet, there is information about cultural events.
Every museum and every theatre has a website.
On the website, there is information about:
Which performances, exhibitions and concerts there are.
How can Anna buy a ticket?
What offers are there for deaf and hard of hearing visitors?
For example:
Guided tours in sign language
Video guides in sign language
Induction loops

On the internet, there are videos of artistic performances.
For example on YouTube.
There are video of performance by deaf artists.
For example: Visual Vernacular, sign language poetry and sign music

Sometimes seniors are lonely.
That’s bad.
This is why associations organise group trips for seniors.
Seniors can visit a city or a museum together.
The trips are often organised near where seniors live.
Ask your deaf club:
Do you organise cultural events?
Do you organise events for seniors?

What is important for culture?
To be curious.
Knowing what offers there are nearby.
We wish Anna a lot of fun at cultural events.

Online Services

Online services 

Peter wants to buy a present for his grandchild
To do this, Peter wants to drive to the shopping centre.
Peter’s car is broken.
There is no bus.
This is why Peter cannot go to the shopping centre.
Peter doesn’t know:
How can I buy a present for my grandchild?

Don’t worry, Peter!
Do you know about online shopping?
We will explain it for you:
What is online shopping?
Today you can do many things online.
It saves you time and effort:
For example:

  • You can pay your parking ticket online.
  • You can check out your phone bill online.
  • You can sign documents online.
  • You can do your tax return online.
  • You can buy plane, train or bus tickets.
  • You can find a hiking route.
  • You can look at the weather forecast.

Today you can buy many things online.
For example:

  • groceries
  • clothing
  • technical equipment
  • furniture
  • plants

There are many possibilities:
The purchase is delivered to your home.
You reorder the purchase.
You can pick up the purchase at the shop.
This is called: click and collect.
You have to take care:

  • Is the online shop secure?
  • Is the payment method secure?
  • Is the internet connection secure?

What is a secure internet connection?
Your internet should always be password protected.
This means: You want to use the internet.
You have to enter a password.
Your internet connection is not secure.
Then don’t buy anything online.
You are using a public WIFI network?
Then don’t buy anything online.
How can you ensure better internet securely?
Use a VPN.
This is a secure internet connection.
It hides your online identity.

How can you pay in an online shop?
With a bank transfer for example through online banking.
You receive the package.
There is a bill inside it.
You pay the bill.
It is easiest to pay online with your credit card.
You don’t have a credit card?
You don’t want to use your credit card online?
What can you do?

There are providers for online money transfers.
For example: PayPal.
You can safely transfer money online.
You have a problem:
For example:

  • Your order doesn’t arrive.
  • Your order is broken.

There are protection programmes for buyers.
You can get your money back.
How does it work?
You need open an account.
You connect the account to your credit card or your bank account.
You can also download an app for this.
What is an app?
App is an abbreviation for “application” (for the English word “application).
An app is a computer programme.
There are many different apps.
For example apps for online payment services.

Now you can shop online.

Peter is fascinated by online shopping.
He visits the website of a toy store.
He picks out a present for his grandchild.
The present is delivered to his home.



Peter retired recently.
Now he has a lot of free time.
He wants to travel.
Peter worries:
There are barriers for deaf tourists.

Don’t worry, Peter.
We explain to you:
What is accessible tourism?
Accessible means:
Something can be used well by people with disabilities.
There is a Global Code of Ethics for Tourism by the UN World Tourism Agency.
Global means: this exists all over the worlds.
Ethics is a science.
Ethics is about:
What is good behaviour?
What is bad behaviour?
A codex is a collection of rules and laws.
UN is an abbreviation for United Nations.
The United Nations are an organisation.
There many countries work together.
The ethic codex is about the right to tourism for people with disabilities.
A country has signed the ethic codex.
The country has to pay attention:
People with disabilities can use tourism offers.
Watching culture and nature all over the world is a right for all human beings.
There are more and more tourists with disabilities.
That shows:
There are already many accessible tourism offers.
There should be even more accessible tourism offers.
Also for deaf seniors.

There are services for deaf tourists:
For example:

  • Travel agencies for deaf people
  • Deaf guides
  • Tours with sign language interpreters

With that deaf people can use tourism offers.

These are characteristics of accessible tourism:
People with disability have information relating to their needs.
There is a map with accessible tourism offers.
There exists information about accessible tourism offer in the region.
There is cooperation with organisations representing people with disabilities.
There is a promotion event for tourists with disabilities.
The staff knows about the needs of tourists with disabilities.
There is consulting on the subject of accessibility.

In many museums there are guided tours with sign language interpreters.
In many museums there are video guides in the local sign language.
Like this deaf people can easily visit museums.

You are deaf.
You want support for the planning of your journey.
Contact a travel agency for deaf clients.
You get tips.
You get help with the organisation of your journey.

Peter is excited.
He wants to start his journey!

Social Media

Social Media 

Leopold wants to contact an old friend.
Leopold doesn’t know his address.
Leopold wants to find his old friend on social media.
But Leopold has never used social media before.

Don’t worry, Leopold!
Seniors can use social media, too!
43 % of people over 65 in Europe are on social media.
You can go online with your smartphone.
35,6 % of seniors do it.

Social networks are very popular.
People stay in contact with their family and friends through them.
Then they feel less lonely.
What is the most important reason for seniors to use social media?
To keep in contact with their grandchildren.
Find information about your interests.
For example: travelling, wellbeing, finance, wellness.

Some social media channels are very popular with deaf people,
because they are very visual.
For example: Instagram.
There you can share videos and photos.
Some social media channels allow video calls.
In this way, you can easily sign with others.

Leopold has registered on Facebook.
He has reconnected with his old friend.
Now they are in regular contact over social media.

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